The Great British Baking Gear

Great British Baking Gear - A blog!

Amazon Links are affiliate links - All other links are non-affiliated.

TLDR: This is a blog about the cool gear the bakers use on The Great British Baking Show (or The Great British Bake Off for our British and OG friends out there).

The Posts

The Great British Baking Show - Offset Spatula

December 1, 2023 - On my list of gadgets from The Great British Baking Show, this one was one of the first I ever noticed. For some reason it remained on the list forever with links ready to go. Such an offset (spatula) - oh me - from originally noticing them.

The Great British Baking Show - Cake Stand

November 17, 2023 - I searched for weeks for The Great British Baking Show Cake Stand. Weeks! And then in a recent episode there was one upside down, with a huge logo and a web address. C'est la vie. However, I've come to learn it was discontinued a while ago, or was 100% custom for the show. Either way I've found some fun options and the 'official' replacement.

The Great British Baking Show - Lemon Squeezer

November 8, 2023 - When life gives you lemons - squeeze them! When you're going on a trip and you're going to miss your normal blog post date - post early! So let's go ahead and take a look at the Lemon Squeezers of The Great British Baking Show! The tools, not the people doing the squeezing, very hard to differentiate.

The Great British Baking Show - Cake Decorating Stand

November 3, 2023 - You spin me right round, baby right round... like a record baby, right round, round. Well, I guess this cake decorating stand spins the cake right round, round, like a record baby. Or left round. Its an ambi-turner! Today we're looking at The Great British Baking Show cake decorating stands.

The Great British Baking Show - Kitchen Timers

October 27, 2023 - One of the longest lasting items on my list of blog posts to write. I guess its about time (pun intended!). Today we're looking at the Great British Baking Show Kitchen Timers. They've cycled though the seasons but one thing remains the same! They chirp... and they're gray... and they're made... Well I guess there is a lot to look at! Onward!

The Great British Baking Show - Knives Update

October 20, 2023 - The first piece of equipment from The Great British Baking Show I was curious about was their knives. It started this whole blog, as I figured my findings may interest others as well. In the past couple of seasons I've noticed different knives on the bakers' counters. In season 13 I was unable to identify the knives, but this season has cleared everything up. Therefore, I've gone ahead and updated the knives post with the recent knives. These ones are mostly used by the bakers, while the judges seem to still have the old (and nicer) knives.

The Great British Baking Show - Tea Towels

October 13, 2023 - Today we take a look at the Great British Baking Show tea towels, disappointment in correspondence, and really cute sheep! I noticed some really cute tea towels in season 14 and was able to track them down. So without further ado - Penny The Sheep Tea Towels.

On an unrelated note - I've searched for quite a bit of cooking gear on this computer and my phone. As the internet never forgets, like a digital elephant, I get ads for all the gear I've researched. The holidays are fast approaching and thus deals are crawling out of the woodwork... digital woodwork... if I see any incredible deals I'll post them on that topic's page. For example, recently the Green Pan Valencia Pro pots and pans were 36% off, which was better than their normal Black Friday deals.

The Great British Baking Show - Egg Holders

October 6, 2023 - It's almost cliche to say - but you can't have a baking show without cracking a few eggs. I have no idea why it took me so long to notice that The Great British Baking Show's egg holders are not just the cardboard crates that eggs come in from the grocery store. Instead they have some really nice ceramic ones, and today we're gonna take a look at them.

The Great British Baking Show - Season 14 begins!

September 29, 2023 - It's here! Its really here! Season 14 of The Great British Bake Off! Or for those of us on the other side of the pond, The Great British Baking Show Collection 11. It's apparent we collect things behind the times. So what does that mean for this site and all the Great British Baking Gear? Well - that means new gear! I'll go through and make sure the equipment that has been changed out is updated on the original posts and try to make sure I've noted what has changed. I also have some new gear en route! In fact, this morning was going to be all about... a 2 week dig into egg holders... but here we are instead, season 14! I hope you're as excited about the new season as I am!

The Great British Baking Gear Salad Tongs

September 15, 2023 - Tongs ta tongs tongs tongs. I hope you read that like I did in your head, because today we're looking at The Great British Baking Show's salad tongs.

The Great British Baking Gear Mandoline

September 1, 2023 - Today we look at the Great British Baking Show Finger tip remover mandoline. I've never had to slice a thousand potatoes for some sort of decorative au gratin, but I'm sure if I did this mandoline would make short work of the process.

The Great British Baking Gear Potato Masher

August 4, 2023 - Ever end a 4 day quest for something, and after looking every where, finding it at the Dollar Store? Well that's basically what I've done with the The Great British Baking Show Potato Masher. It was a journey and I hope you enjoy it.

The Great British Baking Gear Microwave

July 28, 2023 - Its summer! A record hot summer! And what better way to celebrate than to heat more things up indoors! Wait, what? Today we're looking at The Great British Baking Show Microwave! I'm honestly surprised how long I've not noticed or thought about this pretty little machine.

The Great British Baking Gear IR Thermometer

July 21, 2023 - What a hot post! How hot? Well you'll have to find out with the Great British Baking Show's IR Thermometer!

The Great British Baking Gear Pastry Brushes

July 7, 2023 - Being the 4th of July week here in the USA, and the amount of BBQ people make, I felt that the only appropriate baking utensil to look at would be the pastry brush! That makes nearly no sense, until you realize you can slather all sorts of grilled meats with it as well! So without further ado, and a complete lack of fireworks, The Great British Baking Show pastry brushes!

The Great British Baking Gear Cooking Spoons

June 30, 2023 - Spoon! Not just an obscure battle cry from a 90's cartoon, but also a quintessential utensil in the bakers' quiver. This week we're looking at The Great British Baking Show's cooking spoon. I also look into a weird trend of MasterClass usurping KitchenCraft gear, and some beautifully layered wooden cooking spoons, if you're into a colorful tent worthy kitchen.

The Great British Baking Show Season 13! (Collection 10 on Netflix)

September 12, 2022 - Bake Off Season 13 is upon us! Or those following along on Netflix, The Great British Baking Show Collection 10... is upon us! I for one am quite excited! I've already started staring hard at promotional images seeing what goodies are in store! It looks like all the promotional images are from the first episode - cakes - and the only thing I can say for sure is they're still using the Taylor scales and The Great British Baking Show pots and pans remain Green Pan Valencia Pro - which I'm a HUGE fan of!

I can't wait to see how this season unwinds and what amazing bakes are produced!

The Great British Baking Gear Cake Lifter

March 31, 2022 - Building a multi-tiered wedding cake right to the moon? Well you're going to want a way to safely lift those cakes! And cake lifters are where it's at! This week we're looking at The Great British Baking Show Cake Lifters take your decorating... to the next level. Oh me.

The Great British Baking Gear Pitcher

March 5, 2022 - When the bakers are serving sauces, dips, creams or any other liquids to the judges during the technical challenge they always do so in the same uniform, minimalistic, super clean pitchers. Today we're taking a good look at them, and then two fun options. One of them 'could be worse' - oh me - in this in depth look at The Great British Baking Show Pitcher.

The Great British Baking Gear Piping Nozzles and Bags

February 22, 2022 - Every now and again I see a piece of Great British Baking Show equipment and think to myself "I'll never figure that out." And then I see something like a barcode... and voila! The internet provides! And that's the case with the Great British Baking Show Piping Nozzles and Bags. Figured it out! High Five

The Great British Baking Gear Mini Cake Tins

February 14, 2022 - Happy Valentine's Day!... Now.. Mini-Cake Tins! So in my head there are 3 types of cake tins, normal - rounds and square tins for baking cakes, mini-cake tins - for small ones, and lastly, decorative cake tins. As such I'll do a post on each of these categories. Originally, I wanted to just get all the cake tins at one time and make a post, but there are FAR too many. So I'll treat these posts like I do the pots and pans - By continually updating the posts as I discern more and more Mini-Cake Tins.

The Great British Baking Gear Cooktop / Hob

February 7, 2022 - Let's finish off the Neff exploration! Whether you call them a cooktop, a hob, a stove top, burners, or a range top, this post is for those curious about the Great British Baking Show's cooktops installed in all the bakers' benches! And with this, we've covered the Neff Ovens, Cooktops and Heating (proving) drawers! Woo!

Happy Birthday To Us!

January 26, 2022 - So I meant to post this on January 17th - the blog's actual birthday, instead there was a hospital visit and the taking of a bun out of the oven. Oh baking puns. So there was a birthday and a birth day! Yay - Time for cake!
When I started this blog I thought I could cover every one of the items of interest in the show in roughly 4 months. I guess I was wrong. There are still quite a few I want to do, and people have been enjoying the posts as much as I have writing them. Thus, The Great British Baking Gear adventure continues! Here's to another year!

The Great British Baking Gear Proving Drawer

January 9, 2022 - Let's stick to the drawer theme! No, not 'that drawer' again, but lets take a good look at The Great British Baking Show Proving Drawer, see how it stands up to competition, nerd out a bit on proving in general, and hopefully come away making better bread.

The Great British Baking Gear Utensil Holder

December 21, 2021 - If you have 'that drawer' in your kitchen, the one that does not want to open full of whisks and spatulas, this post is for you! Today we're looking at The Great British Baking Show Utensil Holders.

The Great British Baking Gear Tea Cups

December 12, 2021 - I wonder if in England when people have tea at an odd hour they say "well it's x-o'clock somewhere..." And when they do - I assume their tea cup is pristine. Today we're looking at the Great British Baking Show Tea Cups, and their less dainty friends - mugs.

The Great British Baking Gear Black Friday Deals 2021

November 21, 2021 - Some time in September I start thinking "maybe this will go on sale for Black Friday," regardless of what it is. If I've been interested in any of The Great British Baking Show equipment, it's in this category. For all of the gear I've reviewed I've tried to find it on sale.
I started roughly 1 week early looking through ads and have posted them here. Some ads are not up yet, and sales have yet to start. When those come out I'll try to update this page! Hopefully this saves us all some money! Enjoy the post and the holiday baking that is upon us!

The Great British Baking Show Deep Fryer

November 7, 2021 - Lets get deep. Drowning in hot oil. Woah, that went south fast. Lets get into some deep fat fryers! Still phrased poorly. Okay, last try. This week I'm looking at the deep fryers used on The Great British Baking Show! Get ready for an industrial post. Not like a concrete pylon, just... a blog post.

The Great British Baking Show Nonstick Baking Mats

November 2, 2021 - No one likes a sticky situation, and today's post on The Great British Baking Show nonstick mats keeps us clear of them. Well - at least while we're baking!

The Great British Baking Show Cooling Racks

October 19, 2021 - It's opposite day! Well, at least nearly the exact opposite of the last post. This week we're exploring cooling racks. I'm stoked I found the rack I caught obscured on camera for like 5 seconds! Hint - it's bold, new, and unique!

The Great British Baking Show Blowtorch

October 12, 2021 - When I saw The Great British Baking Show blowtorches I though to myself "I guess that looks nice on the show." Having been through a slew of blowtorches, I'm going to push my bias here, but first lets take a look at The Great British Baking Show blowtorches!

The Great British Baking Show Spatulas

October 7, 2021 - Okay, I know I said I was going to update the knives first, but I got kind of excited about the new spatulas on 2021's season 12 of The Great British Baking Show. The dual tone and funky shape piqued my interest and I chased that bone spatula down.

The Great British Baking Show Season 12 updates!

October 3, 2021 - The new season debuted while I was on holiday so I managed to catch the season premiere with family I've not seen in a long time! It was great! I noticed that they have updated some of the cooking wares and decided to address the changes before moving on with new posts. I updated the Pots and Pans to reflect the change to Green Pan Valencia Pro. Honestly, I'm a huge fan of Green Pan and I'm excited about this! Secondly I noticed that they changed to a Taylor Pro Dual Digital Scale - my name for it... their name is. I. Can't. Even. I also noticed changes in the knives, but I'll address these in another post before moving on!

The Great British Baking Show Season 12 and Pots & Pans Update!

September 12, 2021 - It's almost here! Season 12 of The Great British Baking Show starts on September 21 (in the UK) and September 24th here in the USA (Netflix). I for one am crazy excited! I want to see the shiny new gadgets and delight in the general merriment. I'm currently working on a post about whisks, but they are proving hard to identify. Some of them being discontinued throws additional wrenches in the works. To that extent while at a Le Creuset store this past week I came across their Stainless Steel Sauce Pan, which is in nearly every season of the show. As promised I have updated the Pots & Pans Post.

The Great British Baking Show Cooking Thermometer

September 5, 2021 - It is almost preserve season! Which means time to make some jam, and if you're going to do it - do it right! This week we look at the KitchenCraft Cooking Thermometer. The analogue thermometer used on The Great British Baking Show - it has 'jam' on it!.

The Great British Baking Show Baking Beans

August 30, 2021 - Lets put marbles in our pie crusts! Just kidding - kind of? This week we take a look at blind baking and The Great British Baking Show's baking beans (baking weights).

The Great British Baking Show Refrigerators

August 22, 2021 - This weeks post is all about being cool. Well - keeping your food cool. Which has been cool since at least the 1950's. I know this because we're taking a look at the retro refrigerators on The Great British Baking Show..

The Great British Baking Show Tart Rings

August 16, 2021 - If you love some soggy crust on your tarts - this post is not for you. If you're a fan of deliciously baked tarts - well you're in the right place. This week I'm looking at the perforated tart rings from The Great British Baking Show..

The Great British Baking Show Baking Sheets

August 8, 2021 - Baking anything? You're probably going to need a baking sheet at some point in the very near future. This week we explore The Great British Baking Show's baking sheets..

The Great British Baking Show Pasta Machine

August 1, 2021 - If you've ever tried rolling out and cutting pasta by hand (guilty), you're probably curious about a pasta machine. Today, we're cranking out a savory look at the pasta machine on The Great British Baking Show.

The Great British Baking Show Double Spatula

July 25, 2021 - Curious about The Great British Baking Show double spatulas? Wonder no more! In this post we go exploring the Mason Cash Innovative Kitchen Spatula.

The Great British Baking Show Rolling Pins

July 14, 2021 - I bet at just this moment you're wondering what that multicolored adjustable rolling pin that gets dough to just the right uniform thickness from The Great British Baking Show is. Well telepathy aside, I have an answer for you in this weeks post!

The Great British Baking Show Digital Thermometer

July 4, 2021 - Happy 4th of July! As things are starting to get hot outside, I figured it is a great time to look at the Digital Thermometer they use on The Great British Baking Show. The name of the game is quality Thermapen!

The Great British Baking Show Oven Mitts

June 23, 2021 - Oven mitts, oven gloves, double oven gloves, what ever they are and what ever you call them, this post is all about The Great British Baking Show oven mitts.

The Great British Baking Show Immersion Blender

June 5, 2021 - Starting in season 10 of The Great British Baking Show, I started noticing a very contrasty item on the bakers' benches. Turns out it is their Braun MultiQuick 9 immersion blenders, and this week we're taking a look at them!

The Great British Baking Show Pots and Pans

May 30, 2021 (Update June 23, 2021) - This post took so much longer than I anticipated due to my zeal on the subject! I plan on continuing to add to this as time goes on and I see one offs. "What one offs," you ask? The Pots and Pans used on The Great British Baking Show!

The Great British Baking Show Graters and Zesters

May 12, 2021 - So I've been trying to figure out the graters and zesters on The Great British Baking Show for months. I finally figured it out! Without further ado - The Great British Baking Show Graters and Zesters! (I'm so pleased with this post!)

The Great British Baking Show Oven

May 10, 2021 - Wow, I did not think that a quest for the ovens on The Great British Baking Show would be so involved. But here we are a week and a half later of research and comparisons - and now I really want a NEFF Slide and Hide oven. Enjoy the deep dive!

The Great British Baking Show Mixing Bowls

April 26, 2021 - Everyone needs a solid mixing bowl and The Great British Baking Show Mixing Bowls are made by Mason Cash! This week I take a look at Mason Cash and their iconic Cane Bowl as well as some other awesome Mason Cash wares and mixing bowls.

The Great British Baking Show Ice Cream Maker

April 20, 2021 - This week following the Magimix CS 4200 XL Food Processor I've tackled the Great British Baking Show Ice Cream Maker - The Magimix Gelato Expert. It felt appropriate to continue on with the Magimix theme, and a very hearty thanks to Reddit user Valaria for identifying the Magimix Gealto Expert!

The Great British Baking Show Food Processor

April 15, 2021 - This week I tackled one of the prominent pieces of equipment on The Great British Baking Show - The Magimix CS 4200XL Food Processor. The research into this has opened my eyes and enlightened me to the history of food processors and what the best of the best looks like.

The Great British Baking Show Cherry Pitter

April 7, 2021 - This week I'm taking a look at Cherry Pitters on the Great British Baking Show. They use a couple different pitters and there are some other fantastic options out there. Let's take a look!

The Great British Baking Show Cutting Boards

March 28, 2021 - This week we're looking at the cutting (sigh - chopping) boards on The Great British Baking Show! From Joseph Joseph to MTM wood we look at what is used and the different aspects of different material cutting boards.

The Great British Baking Show Ramekins

March 24, 2021 - You may think you're only going to make creme brulee one time. You're lying to yourself, and you need some awesome ramekins. This week I take a look at the ramekins used on the Great British Baking Show.

The Great British Baking Show Storage Jars

February 21, 2021 - Tired of storing bags of flour in your refrigerator door? Why not use an awesome jar instead? In this post I take a look at the storage jars on The Great British Baking Show.

The Great British Baking Show Hand Mixers

February 14, 2021 - I still remember the egg colored electric hand mixer we had growing up and getting to lick batter off the whisks. I just wish it had not been on! Kidding. This week I look at the electric hand mixers on The Great British Baking Show!

The Great British Baking Show Knives

February 7, 2021 - In 2002 or so I found a Ken Onion Shun knife in a TJ Maxx - I had never seen a Damascus pattern knife blade before - nor had I seen such fancy packaging on anything - So for $7 I purchased it. And thus began my love for cooking knives, an odd propensity to buy books about the subject and ogle the knives on The Great British Baking Show. This week I look at them!

The Great British Baking Show Mixers

January 31, 2021 - This week I decided to focus on the quintessential equipment featured on every episode of The Great British Baking Show - The Electric Stand Mixer. If you're going for incredibly strong arms and have time to kill - you can ignore this post. However, if you're curious lets take a look at some mixers!

The Great British Baking Show Scales

January 17, 2021 - I thought my inaugural post should be about the Kitchen Scales they use on the Great British Baking Show. Why? Because I'm in the market and have been doing some shopping and research on my current binge delight - The Great British Baking Show.

A quick bite of background

While doing my undergraduate degree there were rumors of a cooking club that met every Saturday. My roommate and I looked for the club for 2 years. One evening I found myself at an event with both the University's head chef (who ran the club) and the chancellor. I mentioned the club to the chancellor and the enigma surrounding it.

With the chancellor's help and lots of questioning of the chef, he finally opened up.

It was worth every second! The first 20 people lined up (people started lining up about an hour early) got in that day, all the food was free, and between the 20 people - about 40 dishes were made and everyone got to try everything. I kind of got hooked on cooking.

Years later when The Great British Baking Show (The Great British Bake Off) came to Netflix my mother tried to get my wife and me to watch it in vain for far too long. Eventually, while she was visiting for Thanksgiving we cracked and watched an episode.

Then in rapid succession many many seasons.

Being a typical 'gear head' all of the fantastic equipment and tools on the show really piqued my interest. I ask "What is that!?" probably 20 times per episode. So while I'm at looking up refrigerators, mixers, and other hand tools I figured I may as well let other people know what's up - and where I've had the experience of cooking with the tools (or similar) I thought I'd share. Thus this fantastic voyage into The Great British Baking Show equipment, gear, gizmos, and gadgets.

A good while into writing this blog I realized that I could link to Amazon with affiliate links. Now I do! This site is funded in part by the revenue from the affiliate links to Amazon. It costs you the reader, nothing additional. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Enjoy!

So with out further ado - blog posts!